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Join Us

We welcome all singers – old, new, experts, beginners. There are no auditions, but enthusiasm, a sense of humour and a love of music are essential! You don't need to be able to read music fluently, or even at all, though an approximate idea of what those strange symbols on the paper mean will be helpful. In any case, you will find your reading improves quickly once you have started. The music is very varied and may sometimes be quite challenging, especially if you haven't sung in a choir before, but any work you put in will be well worth it.

If you're not sure if this is for you, you are welcome to try it out for an evening or two before committing yourself. Just come along to one of our rehearsals and introduce yourself to a choir member.

We meet:
Day: Mondays during school term-time
Time: 7.15pm to 9.15pm
Place: Gregson Centre, 33 Moorgate, Moor Lane, Lancaster, LA1 3PY


If you you have any questions before joining us, drop us an email via our contact page.


If you join us, we ask for a membership subscription to cover running expenses, such as room hire and musician fees. Subscription fees for the year (Sept to July) are £150 (or £96 for low/unwaged and students). There is no fee for under-18s. There is the option of paying monthly over 12 months at £12.50 (or £8) a month. If you are a higher wage earner, or feel that you could afford to pay more than the standard subs, we welcome an additional voluntary donation. We use an honour system and ask that you pick the subs level you feel is appropriate for you. Our Treasurer will keep the amount you pay confidential.

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